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338 misspelled results found for 'Airmail'

Click here to view these 'airmail' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
1958 New York USA First Trans Atlantic Flight Cover FFC to Dublin Ireland airmai

1958 New York Usa First Trans Atlantic Flight Cover Ffc To Dublin Ireland Airmai



Buy 1958 New York USA First Trans Atlantic Flight Cover FFC to Dublin Ireland airmai

7d 21h 21m
AUSTRALIA ? 1945 ? 4d koala AUST UNIT POSTAL STN 411 airmai to Mt Isa Mines, Qld

Australia ? 1945 ? 4D Koala Aust Unit Postal Stn 411 Airmai To Mt Isa Mines, Qld



Buy AUSTRALIA ? 1945 ? 4d koala AUST UNIT POSTAL STN 411 airmai to Mt Isa Mines, Qld

8d 1h 15m
Futuristic Mail Delivery 1989 Se-Tenant Mint NH Airmai Plate #Block # C122 - 125

Futuristic Mail Delivery 1989 Se-Tenant Mint Nh Airmai Plate #Block # C122 - 125



Buy Futuristic Mail Delivery 1989 Se-Tenant Mint NH Airmai Plate #Block # C122 - 125

8d 2h 43m
Uruguay 36c School of Architecture, University of Uruguay 1950 Montevideo Airmai

Uruguay 36C School Of Architecture, University Of Uruguay 1950 Montevideo Airmai



Buy Uruguay 36c School of Architecture, University of Uruguay 1950 Montevideo Airmai

8d 4h 15m
Uruguay 36c 1st Exposition of National Products c1956 Distrito 2, Uruguay Airmai

Uruguay 36C 1St Exposition Of National Products C1956 Distrito 2, Uruguay Airmai



Buy Uruguay 36c 1st Exposition of National Products c1956 Distrito 2, Uruguay Airmai

8d 4h 15m
USA gestempelt Ecke Eckrand Airmal Luftpost Flugzeug Luftfahrt Fahne / 11963

Usa Gestempelt Ecke Eckrand Airmal Luftpost Flugzeug Luftfahrt Fahne / 11963



Buy USA gestempelt Ecke Eckrand Airmal Luftpost Flugzeug Luftfahrt Fahne / 11963

8d 7h 12m
Portugal  Guinea  nice armail cover to  US

Portugal Guinea Nice Armail Cover To Us



Buy Portugal  Guinea  nice armail cover to  US

8d 16h 4m
Israel - 1980´s Airmal Covers - 3 stk. - VF Used !!!!!  (A5596)

Israel - 1980´S Airmal Covers - 3 Stk. - Vf Used !!!!! (A5596)



Buy Israel - 1980´s Airmal Covers - 3 stk. - VF Used !!!!!  (A5596)

8d 19h 39m
East Germany DDR 1972, Airmil letter from Wismar to Yugoslavia

East Germany Ddr 1972, Airmil Letter From Wismar To Yugoslavia



Buy East Germany DDR 1972, Airmil letter from Wismar to Yugoslavia

8d 21h 17m
Germany, West Berlin 1955, Airmal letter to Bonn

Germany, West Berlin 1955, Airmal Letter To Bonn



Buy Germany, West Berlin 1955, Airmal letter to Bonn

8d 22h 13m
AUSTRALIA, 1939 Aimail cover, 1d. 2d.(2), IVANHOE Vic. to PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN.

Australia, 1939 Aimail Cover, 1D. 2D.(2), Ivanhoe Vic. To Peshawar, Pakistan.



Buy AUSTRALIA, 1939 Aimail cover, 1d. 2d.(2), IVANHOE Vic. to PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN.

9d 0h 53m
FFC 1933 Airmai RT AM#27 POD - Buffalo, Ny To New York, Ny - J9336

Ffc 1933 Airmai Rt Am#27 Pod - Buffalo, Ny To New York, Ny - J9336



Buy FFC 1933 Airmai RT AM#27 POD - Buffalo, Ny To New York, Ny - J9336

9d 4h 0m
flight across the Atlantic C A Lindbergh famous Army and airmai- 1927 Old Photo

Flight Across The Atlantic C A Lindbergh Famous Army And Airmai- 1927 Old Photo



Buy flight across the Atlantic C A Lindbergh famous Army and airmai- 1927 Old Photo

9d 5h 28m
US Armail Envelope  Paraguay  Stamps Washington 1957 Cancel Lieutenant Colonel

Us Armail Envelope Paraguay Stamps Washington 1957 Cancel Lieutenant Colonel



Buy US Armail Envelope  Paraguay  Stamps Washington 1957 Cancel Lieutenant Colonel

9d 8h 52m
Brasilien 1931 VARIG Luftpost-Brief MiF V15 Pelotas nach Porto Alegre Airmal/ 16

Brasilien 1931 Varig Luftpost-Brief Mif V15 Pelotas Nach Porto Alegre Airmal/ 16



Buy Brasilien 1931 VARIG Luftpost-Brief MiF V15 Pelotas nach Porto Alegre Airmal/ 16

9d 11h 26m
20594 - HAITI - Postal History - IRMAIL COVER to SWITZERLAND 1950 RED CROSS

20594 - Haiti - Postal History - Irmail Cover To Switzerland 1950 Red Cross



Buy 20594 - HAITI - Postal History - IRMAIL COVER to SWITZERLAND 1950 RED CROSS

9d 12h 19m
French Antarctics stamps 1970 Collection of 12AIRMAL stamps MLH VF CAT VALUE$780

French Antarctics Stamps 1970 Collection Of 12Airmal Stamps Mlh Vf Cat Value$780



Buy French Antarctics stamps 1970 Collection of 12AIRMAL stamps MLH VF CAT VALUE$780

9d 16h 26m

Saudi Arabia 1971 "Riyadh" Airmial Cover Franked S.G. 783 (X) & 841




9d 16h 33m

69233 - Havana - Postal History - Aimail Cover To Usa 1940




10d 1h 3m
Denmark 5o Wavy Lines and Numeral and 60o King Christian X 1941 Kobenhavn Airmai

Denmark 5O Wavy Lines And Numeral And 60O King Christian X 1941 Kobenhavn Airmai



Buy Denmark 5o Wavy Lines and Numeral and 60o King Christian X 1941 Kobenhavn Airmai

10d 5h 47m

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