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338 misspelled results found for 'Airmail'

Click here to view these 'airmail' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Netherlands New Guinea 15c Queen Juliana Air Letter 1958 Hollandia-Binnen Airmai

Netherlands New Guinea 15C Queen Juliana Air Letter 1958 Hollandia-Binnen Airmai



Buy Netherlands New Guinea 15c Queen Juliana Air Letter 1958 Hollandia-Binnen Airmai

21d 5h 1m
France 1177 mint MNH 1958 Airmai (9671438

France 1177 Mint Mnh 1958 Airmai (9671438



Buy France 1177 mint MNH 1958 Airmai (9671438

21d 10h 10m
France 1177 mint MNH 1958 Airmai (9671386

France 1177 Mint Mnh 1958 Airmai (9671386



Buy France 1177 mint MNH 1958 Airmai (9671386

21d 10h 12m
France 1177 mint MNH 1958 Airmai (9671526

France 1177 Mint Mnh 1958 Airmai (9671526



Buy France 1177 mint MNH 1958 Airmai (9671526

21d 10h 25m
Germany   large airamil stamp cover  1926, special cancel

Germany Large Airamil Stamp Cover 1926, Special Cancel



Buy Germany   large airamil stamp cover  1926, special cancel

21d 12h 36m
K.U.T. SG#124-Silver Jubilee Issue-#113(x2)#111,#112 Nairobi 9/JU/35 Airmai

K.U.T. Sg#124-Silver Jubilee Issue-#113(X2)#111,#112 Nairobi 9/Ju/35 Airmai



Buy K.U.T. SG#124-Silver Jubilee Issue-#113(x2)#111,#112 Nairobi 9/JU/35 Airmai

21d 15h 22m
Kenya Uganda Tanganyika SG#143(pair) NAIROBI AIRPORT 23/JY/52 AIRMAI

Kenya Uganda Tanganyika Sg#143(Pair) Nairobi Airport 23/Jy/52 Airmai



Buy Kenya Uganda Tanganyika SG#143(pair) NAIROBI AIRPORT 23/JY/52 AIRMAI

21d 15h 22m
France 1177 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1958 Airmai (10339134

France 1177 (Complete Issue) Unmounted Mint / Never Hinged 1958 Airmai (10339134



Buy France 1177 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1958 Airmai (10339134

21d 16h 13m
France 1052 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1955 Airmai (10353427

France 1052 (Complete Issue) Unmounted Mint / Never Hinged 1955 Airmai (10353427



Buy France 1052 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1955 Airmai (10353427

21d 19h 45m
France 1120 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1957 Airmai (10353456

France 1120 (Complete Issue) Unmounted Mint / Never Hinged 1957 Airmai (10353456



Buy France 1120 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1957 Airmai (10353456

21d 19h 50m
German Empire 216a between steg couple unmounted mint / never hinged 1922 Airmai

German Empire 216A Between Steg Couple Unmounted Mint / Never Hinged 1922 Airmai



Buy German Empire 216a between steg couple unmounted mint / never hinged 1922 Airmai

21d 20h 50m
Greece Sc#C28,#C23,#426,#RA63-Postal Tax TRANS-ATLANTIC CLIPPER AIRMAI

Greece Sc#C28,#C23,#426,#Ra63-Postal Tax Trans-Atlantic Clipper Airmai



Buy Greece Sc#C28,#C23,#426,#RA63-Postal Tax TRANS-ATLANTIC CLIPPER AIRMAI

21d 21h 47m
USA Sc. C35, C56 PAN AM 1st Airmal Flight New York - Conakry on 1963 FDC

Usa Sc. C35, C56 Pan Am 1St Airmal Flight New York - Conakry On 1963 Fdc



Buy USA Sc. C35, C56 PAN AM 1st Airmal Flight New York - Conakry on 1963 FDC

21d 22h 4m
Chile   2  large  armail  covers, one to Switzerland

Chile 2 Large Armail Covers, One To Switzerland



Buy Chile   2  large  armail  covers, one to Switzerland

22d 0h 38m
USA gestempelt Rundstempel Luftpost Airmal Freiheitsstatue Flugzeug / 9733

Usa Gestempelt Rundstempel Luftpost Airmal Freiheitsstatue Flugzeug / 9733



Buy USA gestempelt Rundstempel Luftpost Airmal Freiheitsstatue Flugzeug / 9733

22d 7h 30m
France - Lot de 115 Docs: Covers, Armail Letters Postcards.. (VG) MV-17434

France - Lot De 115 Docs: Covers, Armail Letters Postcards.. (Vg) Mv-17434



Buy France - Lot de 115 Docs: Covers, Armail Letters Postcards.. (VG) MV-17434

22d 8h 11m
German Empire 263-267 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1923 Airmai

German Empire 263-267 (Complete Issue) Unmounted Mint / Never Hinged 1923 Airmai



Buy German Empire 263-267 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1923 Airmai

22d 10h 12m
German Empire 111-112 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1919 Airmai

German Empire 111-112 (Complete Issue) Unmounted Mint / Never Hinged 1919 Airmai



Buy German Empire 111-112 (complete issue) unmounted mint / never hinged 1919 Airmai

22d 10h 14m

Somalia Afis Aerea 1960 Da Mogadiscio Leopoldville Brazzaville Viaggiata Airmal




22d 11h 54m
GB 1934 King George V 3d and 4d very rare mixed postage ARMAIL LONDON - ZURICH

Gb 1934 King George V 3D And 4D Very Rare Mixed Postage Armail London - Zurich



Buy GB 1934 King George V 3d and 4d very rare mixed postage ARMAIL LONDON - ZURICH

22d 20h 26m

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