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47463 misspelled results found for 'Ex Libris'

Click here to view these 'ex libris' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Exlibris Paul Bachmann Violin Music Bookplate Carl Streller Etching

Exlibris Paul Bachmann Violin Music Bookplate Carl Streller Etching



Buy Exlibris Paul Bachmann Violin Music Bookplate Carl Streller Etching

Ex Libris / German Ratner Exlibris Russia 1988

Ex Libris / German Ratner Exlibris Russia 1988



Buy Ex Libris / German Ratner Exlibris Russia 1988

Exlibris Mario Ponzo Bookplate Ex-Libris Carlo Nicco Woodcut

Exlibris Mario Ponzo Bookplate Ex-Libris Carlo Nicco Woodcut



Buy Exlibris Mario Ponzo Bookplate Ex-Libris Carlo Nicco Woodcut

Ex Libris Congress Utrecht Original Exlibris 1986 Eilnberger Gorban Piller Petz

Ex Libris Congress Utrecht Original Exlibris 1986 Eilnberger Gorban Piller Petz



Buy Ex Libris Congress Utrecht Original Exlibris 1986 Eilnberger Gorban Piller Petz

Ex Libris / N. Hillerbrandt Willi Sauer Exlibris Woodcuts 1983

Ex Libris / N. Hillerbrandt Willi Sauer Exlibris Woodcuts 1983



Buy Ex Libris / N. Hillerbrandt Willi Sauer Exlibris Woodcuts 1983

Ex Libris / Lapshin Nikolay Iustinovich Exlibris 1966

Ex Libris / Lapshin Nikolay Iustinovich Exlibris 1966



Buy Ex Libris / Lapshin Nikolay Iustinovich Exlibris 1966

Exlibris Gronemann Bookplate Rudolf Westphal Etching 1912

Exlibris Gronemann Bookplate Rudolf Westphal Etching 1912



Buy Exlibris Gronemann Bookplate Rudolf Westphal Etching 1912

Exlibris Achille Pierre Requin Doctor Ex-Libris Bookplate

Exlibris Achille Pierre Requin Doctor Ex-Libris Bookplate



Buy Exlibris Achille Pierre Requin Doctor Ex-Libris Bookplate

Exlibris John Deakin Heaton Leeds Doctor Ex-Libris Coat of Arms

Exlibris John Deakin Heaton Leeds Doctor Ex-Libris Coat Of Arms



Buy Exlibris John Deakin Heaton Leeds Doctor Ex-Libris Coat of Arms

Exlibris George Heath Viner Ex-Libris Collector Coat of Arms Bookplate

Exlibris George Heath Viner Ex-Libris Collector Coat Of Arms Bookplate



Buy Exlibris George Heath Viner Ex-Libris Collector Coat of Arms Bookplate

Exlibris Charles Lashmar Physician Doctor Bookplate Coat of Arms 312961

Exlibris Charles Lashmar Physician Doctor Bookplate Coat Of Arms 312961



Buy Exlibris Charles Lashmar Physician Doctor Bookplate Coat of Arms 312961

Exlibris East Lavington House West Sussex Engraving Bookplate Ex-Libris

Exlibris East Lavington House West Sussex Engraving Bookplate Ex-Libris



Buy Exlibris East Lavington House West Sussex Engraving Bookplate Ex-Libris

Exlibris A. R. Sutherland Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Coat of Arms Bookplate

Exlibris A. R. Sutherland Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Coat Of Arms Bookplate



Buy Exlibris A. R. Sutherland Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Coat of Arms Bookplate

Faces Jos Hendrickx Exlibris Bookplate Woodcut

Faces Jos Hendrickx Exlibris Bookplate Woodcut



Buy Faces Jos Hendrickx Exlibris Bookplate Woodcut

Exlibris Joseph Priestley English Chemist Armorial Bookplate

Exlibris Joseph Priestley English Chemist Armorial Bookplate



Buy Exlibris Joseph Priestley English Chemist Armorial Bookplate

Exlibris G.A. Lewin Bookplate Ex-Libris Dirk Henri Peereboom Voller 1930

Exlibris G.A. Lewin Bookplate Ex-Libris Dirk Henri Peereboom Voller 1930



Buy Exlibris G.A. Lewin Bookplate Ex-Libris Dirk Henri Peereboom Voller 1930

Exlibris William Webb Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate

Exlibris William Webb Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate



Buy Exlibris William Webb Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate

Exlibris George Hunsley Fielding Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate Wappen

Exlibris George Hunsley Fielding Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate Wappen



Buy Exlibris George Hunsley Fielding Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate Wappen

Exlibris Roland Gideon Curtin Doctor Physician Medicine Bookplate Coat of Arms

Exlibris Roland Gideon Curtin Doctor Physician Medicine Bookplate Coat Of Arms



Buy Exlibris Roland Gideon Curtin Doctor Physician Medicine Bookplate Coat of Arms

Exlibris Charles Lashmar Physician Doctor Bookplate Coat of Arms

Exlibris Charles Lashmar Physician Doctor Bookplate Coat Of Arms



Buy Exlibris Charles Lashmar Physician Doctor Bookplate Coat of Arms


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