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47418 misspelled results found for 'Ex Libris'

Click here to view these 'ex libris' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Those Amazing Electrinic Thinking machines. asimov et al. HC/DJ EXLIBRIS

Those Amazing Electrinic Thinking Machines. Asimov Et Al. Hc/Dj Exlibris



Buy Those Amazing Electrinic Thinking machines. asimov et al. HC/DJ EXLIBRIS

Exlibris Bookplate * KARL WENNINGER * Wappen Crest

Exlibris Bookplate * Karl Wenninger * Wappen Crest



Buy Exlibris Bookplate * KARL WENNINGER * Wappen Crest

Exlibris Bookplate * KARL ROEHRICH * Initialien Hermes Initials

Exlibris Bookplate * Karl Roehrich * Initialien Hermes Initials



Buy Exlibris Bookplate * KARL ROEHRICH * Initialien Hermes Initials

Exlibris Symbolismus Georg Schindlbeck Original signiert Zeichnung Tinte 1905

Exlibris Symbolismus Georg Schindlbeck Original Signiert Zeichnung Tinte 1905



Buy Exlibris Symbolismus Georg Schindlbeck Original signiert Zeichnung Tinte 1905


Johan Schwencke / Nederlandsche Exlibris-Kring 1940




Exlibris Bookplate * WALTHER WITTING * Mutter m Kind Mother w Child

Exlibris Bookplate * Walther Witting * Mutter M Kind Mother W Child



Buy Exlibris Bookplate * WALTHER WITTING * Mutter m Kind Mother w Child

Uboldi Gian Luigi (1)   EXLIBRIS xilografia

Uboldi Gian Luigi (1) Exlibris Xilografia



Buy Uboldi Gian Luigi (1)   EXLIBRIS xilografia

Wolf Remo (2)   EXLIBRIS xilografia

Wolf Remo (2) Exlibris Xilografia



Buy Wolf Remo (2)   EXLIBRIS xilografia

E.F.Strobel-Matza (3)  EXLIBRIS

E.F.Strobel-Matza (3) Exlibris



Buy E.F.Strobel-Matza (3)  EXLIBRIS

1h 19m
5 Exlibris Bookplate Ferenc Bordasz Lot 3

5 Exlibris Bookplate Ferenc Bordasz Lot 3



Buy 5 Exlibris Bookplate Ferenc Bordasz Lot 3

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate Etching Eduard Winkler 1884-1978 Angry Telephone Telegraph

Exlibris Bookplate Etching Eduard Winkler 1884-1978 Angry Telephone Telegraph



Buy Exlibris Bookplate Etching Eduard Winkler 1884-1978 Angry Telephone Telegraph

1h 23m
4 Exlibris Bookplate cliches Heinrich Nernst Atelier Stolle lot 1

4 Exlibris Bookplate Cliches Heinrich Nernst Atelier Stolle Lot 1



Buy 4 Exlibris Bookplate cliches Heinrich Nernst Atelier Stolle lot 1

1h 23m
6 Exlibris Bookplate Ferenc Bordasz Collection Lot 1

6 Exlibris Bookplate Ferenc Bordasz Collection Lot 1



Buy 6 Exlibris Bookplate Ferenc Bordasz Collection Lot 1

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate Woodcut Adolf Falke 1888-1958 Architect Compass Church

Exlibris Bookplate Woodcut Adolf Falke 1888-1958 Architect Compass Church



Buy Exlibris Bookplate Woodcut Adolf Falke 1888-1958 Architect Compass Church

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate Etching Alfred Soder 1880-1957 Matterhorn Mask Alps

Exlibris Bookplate Etching Alfred Soder 1880-1957 Matterhorn Mask Alps



Buy Exlibris Bookplate Etching Alfred Soder 1880-1957 Matterhorn Mask Alps

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate Template Willi Geiger 1878-1971 Head Brush Harmonica

Exlibris Bookplate Template Willi Geiger 1878-1971 Head Brush Harmonica



Buy Exlibris Bookplate Template Willi Geiger 1878-1971 Head Brush Harmonica

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate cliché Otto Rückert 1888-1959 Music Instruments Flower Basket

Exlibris Bookplate Cliché Otto Rückert 1888-1959 Music Instruments Flower Basket



Buy Exlibris Bookplate cliché Otto Rückert 1888-1959 Music Instruments Flower Basket

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate Etching Irene Hoelzer-Weinek 1888-1965 Tooth Pliers

Exlibris Bookplate Etching Irene Hoelzer-Weinek 1888-1965 Tooth Pliers



Buy Exlibris Bookplate Etching Irene Hoelzer-Weinek 1888-1965 Tooth Pliers

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate Etching Eduard Winkler 1884-1978 Clef Tuning Fork

Exlibris Bookplate Etching Eduard Winkler 1884-1978 Clef Tuning Fork



Buy Exlibris Bookplate Etching Eduard Winkler 1884-1978 Clef Tuning Fork

1h 23m
Exlibris Bookplate cliché Willi Geiger 1878-1971 Head Männlein

Exlibris Bookplate Cliché Willi Geiger 1878-1971 Head Männlein



Buy Exlibris Bookplate cliché Willi Geiger 1878-1971 Head Männlein

1h 23m

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