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252 misspelled results found for 'Charlie Bear'

Click here to view these 'charlie bear' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Matchbook Cover - Charlie Bar Salon Charlie Chaplin Cap de la Madeleine QC

Matchbook Cover - Charlie Bar Salon Charlie Chaplin Cap De La Madeleine Qc



Buy Matchbook Cover - Charlie Bar Salon Charlie Chaplin Cap de la Madeleine QC

1h 59m
Stan Kenton Swing era  Region Code: 0  Charlie Barnet Les Brown Claude Thornhill

Stan Kenton Swing Era Region Code: 0 Charlie Barnet Les Brown Claude Thornhill



Buy Stan Kenton Swing era  Region Code: 0  Charlie Barnet Les Brown Claude Thornhill

17h 25m
Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra All The Things You Are / Ill Wind Capitol Re

Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra All The Things You Are / Ill Wind Capitol Re



Buy Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra All The Things You Are / Ill Wind Capitol Re

19h 34m
Charlie Barnet One Night Stand With Charlie Barnet NEAR MINT Joyce Vinyl LP

Charlie Barnet One Night Stand With Charlie Barnet Near Mint Joyce Vinyl Lp



Buy Charlie Barnet One Night Stand With Charlie Barnet NEAR MINT Joyce Vinyl LP

19h 47m
CD Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie MONO

Cd Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie Mono



Buy CD Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra Clap Hands, Here Comes Charlie MONO

19h 57m
Charlie Barnet Vol 1 RCA Victor Vinyl LP

Charlie Barnet Vol 1 Rca Victor Vinyl Lp



Buy Charlie Barnet Vol 1 RCA Victor Vinyl LP

20h 1m
CD Charlie Barnet Big Band 1967 MONO Lone Hill Jazz

Cd Charlie Barnet Big Band 1967 Mono Lone Hill Jazz



Buy CD Charlie Barnet Big Band 1967 MONO Lone Hill Jazz

20h 54m
CHARLIE BARNET ORCH. What's new? / For tonight   78rpm  Schellackplatte X4027

Charlie Barnet Orch. What's New? / For Tonight 78Rpm Schellackplatte X4027



Buy CHARLIE BARNET ORCH. What's new? / For tonight   78rpm  Schellackplatte X4027

23h 38m
CHARLIE BARNET & HIS ORCH.  Harlem speaks / Dark Avenue  Schellackplatte X890

Charlie Barnet & His Orch. Harlem Speaks / Dark Avenue Schellackplatte X890



Buy CHARLIE BARNET & HIS ORCH.  Harlem speaks / Dark Avenue  Schellackplatte X890

23h 38m
Charile Bear Yarris

Charile Bear Yarris



Buy Charile Bear Yarris

23h 55m
LP Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra Charlie Barnet, Vol. II MONO RCA Victor

Lp Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra Charlie Barnet, Vol. Ii Mono Rca Victor



Buy LP Charlie Barnet And His Orchestra Charlie Barnet, Vol. II MONO RCA Victor

1d 0h 37m
CHARLIE BARNET ORCH. What's new? / For tonight   78rpm  Schellackplatte X4028

Charlie Barnet Orch. What's New? / For Tonight 78Rpm Schellackplatte X4028



Buy CHARLIE BARNET ORCH. What's new? / For tonight   78rpm  Schellackplatte X4028

1d 9h 46m
CHARLIE BARNET & ORCHESTRA  Mother Fuzzy / Lummby   Schellackplatte 78rpm  X3233

Charlie Barnet & Orchestra Mother Fuzzy / Lummby Schellackplatte 78Rpm X3233



Buy CHARLIE BARNET & ORCHESTRA  Mother Fuzzy / Lummby   Schellackplatte 78rpm  X3233

1d 9h 46m
Charlie Barnet Orch/ Dodo Marmarosa: The Moose 1946 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu)

Charlie Barnet Orch/ Dodo Marmarosa: The Moose 1946 Uk - 78 Rpm Jz (Fast Neu)



Buy Charlie Barnet Orch/ Dodo Marmarosa: The Moose 1946 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu)

1d 11h 38m
Charlie Barnet Orch/ Dodo Marmarosa: The Moose '46 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu) 2.

Charlie Barnet Orch/ Dodo Marmarosa: The Moose '46 Uk - 78 Rpm Jz (Fast Neu) 2.



Buy Charlie Barnet Orch/ Dodo Marmarosa: The Moose '46 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu) 2.

1d 11h 39m
Charlie Barnet Orch: Cherokee/ Duke's Idea - 1945 UK - 78 RPM JZ

Charlie Barnet Orch: Cherokee/ Duke's Idea - 1945 Uk - 78 Rpm Jz



Buy Charlie Barnet Orch: Cherokee/ Duke's Idea - 1945 UK - 78 RPM JZ

1d 11h 44m
Charlie Barnet Orch:  Cu- Ba/ O' Henry - 1949 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu)

Charlie Barnet Orch: Cu- Ba/ O' Henry - 1949 Uk - 78 Rpm Jz (Fast Neu)



Buy Charlie Barnet Orch:  Cu- Ba/ O' Henry - 1949 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu)

1d 13h 59m
Charlie Barnet Orch:  Cu- Ba/ O' Henry - 1949 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu)  2.

Charlie Barnet Orch: Cu- Ba/ O' Henry - 1949 Uk - 78 Rpm Jz (Fast Neu) 2.



Buy Charlie Barnet Orch:  Cu- Ba/ O' Henry - 1949 UK - 78 RPM JZ  (fast neu)  2.

1d 14h 1m
Charlie Barnet Orch: Swingin' On Nothin/ Pompton Turnpike '46UK - 78  (fast neu)

Charlie Barnet Orch: Swingin' On Nothin/ Pompton Turnpike '46Uk - 78 (Fast Neu)



Buy Charlie Barnet Orch: Swingin' On Nothin/ Pompton Turnpike '46UK - 78  (fast neu)

1d 14h 11m
3x Charlie Barnet Orch - UK - 78 RPM JZ

3X Charlie Barnet Orch - Uk - 78 Rpm Jz



Buy 3x Charlie Barnet Orch - UK - 78 RPM JZ

1d 14h 24m

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