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123 misspelled results found for 'Mineral Specimen'

Click here to view these 'mineral specimen' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
5.12lb NATURAL Green Ghost pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime

5.12Lb Natural Green Ghost Pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime



Buy 5.12lb NATURAL Green Ghost pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime

28d 3h 30m
17.7LB Natural large Rare Beautiful Black QUARTZ Crystal Cluster Mineral Specime

17.7Lb Natural Large Rare Beautiful Black Quartz Crystal Cluster Mineral Specime



Buy 17.7LB Natural large Rare Beautiful Black QUARTZ Crystal Cluster Mineral Specime

28d 11h 29m
1.38LB Natural silica Chrysocolla malachite quartz crystal flake mineral specime

1.38Lb Natural Silica Chrysocolla Malachite Quartz Crystal Flake Mineral Specime



Buy 1.38LB Natural silica Chrysocolla malachite quartz crystal flake mineral specime

28d 11h 50m
1.55LB Natural silica Chrysocolla malachite quartz crystal flake mineral specime

1.55Lb Natural Silica Chrysocolla Malachite Quartz Crystal Flake Mineral Specime



Buy 1.55LB Natural silica Chrysocolla malachite quartz crystal flake mineral specime

28d 13h 28m
15.6LB New Find White PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

15.6Lb New Find White Phantomquartz Crystal Cluster Mineralspecimen



Buy 15.6LB New Find White PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

28d 13h 30m
35 g Natural Phantom Window Green Purple Cubic Fluorite CLUSTER Mineral Specime

35 G Natural Phantom Window Green Purple Cubic Fluorite Cluster Mineral Specime



Buy 35 g Natural Phantom Window Green Purple Cubic Fluorite CLUSTER Mineral Specime

28d 14h 29m
88 Grams Natural  Cubic Fluorit Mineral Specime

88 Grams Natural Cubic Fluorit Mineral Specime



Buy 88 Grams Natural  Cubic Fluorit Mineral Specime

28d 14h 32m
MUSCOVITE MICA on Aragonite 12" 9 Lb 2 Oz Rock Mineral Spceimen Chakra Crystal

Muscovite Mica On Aragonite 12" 9 Lb 2 Oz Rock Mineral Spceimen Chakra Crystal



Buy MUSCOVITE MICA on Aragonite 12" 9 Lb 2 Oz Rock Mineral Spceimen Chakra Crystal

29d 1h 35m
9.11lb NATURAL Green Ghost pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime

9.11Lb Natural Green Ghost Pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime



Buy 9.11lb NATURAL Green Ghost pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime

29d 4h 0m
17LB New large Find black PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

17Lb New Large Find Black Phantomquartz Crystal Cluster Mineralspecimen



Buy 17LB New large Find black PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

29d 11h 58m
12LB New Find White PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

12Lb New Find White Phantomquartz Crystal Cluster Mineralspecimen



Buy 12LB New Find White PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

29d 13h 0m
1pc  A lot New Find White PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

1Pc A Lot New Find White Phantomquartz Crystal Cluster Mineralspecimen



Buy 1pc  A lot New Find White PhantomQuartz Crystal Cluster MineralSpecimen

29d 15h 53m
MUSCOVITE MICA on Aragonite 7" 2 Lb 7 Oz Rock Mineral Spceimen Chakra Crystal

Muscovite Mica On Aragonite 7" 2 Lb 7 Oz Rock Mineral Spceimen Chakra Crystal



Buy MUSCOVITE MICA on Aragonite 7" 2 Lb 7 Oz Rock Mineral Spceimen Chakra Crystal

29d 18h 2m
2.24lb NATURAL Green Ghost pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime

2.24Lb Natural Green Ghost Pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime



Buy 2.24lb NATURAL Green Ghost pyramid Quartz Crystal Cluster Point Mineral Specime

29d 18h 53m
Polished Amethyst Centered Agate Standing Geode

Polished Amethyst Centered Agate Standing Geode



Buy Polished Amethyst Centered Agate Standing Geode

30d 5h 37m
187G Natural Silica Chrysocolla Malachite Quartz Crystal Flake Mineral Specime

187G Natural Silica Chrysocolla Malachite Quartz Crystal Flake Mineral Specime



Buy 187G Natural Silica Chrysocolla Malachite Quartz Crystal Flake Mineral Specime

30d 10h 58m
424G Natural silica Chrysocolla malachite quartz crystal flake mineral specime

424G Natural Silica Chrysocolla Malachite Quartz Crystal Flake Mineral Specime



Buy 424G Natural silica Chrysocolla malachite quartz crystal flake mineral specime

30d 13h 39m
794-Carats Natural Beautiful Emerald specimen/Emerald Mineralspecimen @ Swat Pak

794-Carats Natural Beautiful Emerald Specimen/Emerald Mineralspecimen @ Swat Pak



Buy 794-Carats Natural Beautiful Emerald specimen/Emerald Mineralspecimen @ Swat Pak

30d 16h 57m

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