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131 misspelled results found for 'Glass Paperweight'

Click here to view these 'glass paperweight' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Crowning Touch Frosted Peach Colored GlassPaperweight - Apple With Stem

Crowning Touch Frosted Peach Colored Glasspaperweight - Apple With Stem



Buy Crowning Touch Frosted Peach Colored GlassPaperweight - Apple With Stem

24d 16h 12m
Round Glass Paperweigth Blue with Bubble Swirl

Round Glass Paperweigth Blue With Bubble Swirl



Buy Round Glass Paperweigth Blue with Bubble Swirl

24d 17h 55m
Hand Blown Swril Art Glass Paperwight

Hand Blown Swril Art Glass Paperwight



Buy Hand Blown Swril Art Glass Paperwight

24d 18h 7m
Art Glass Green Apple Controlled Bubbles Glass Paperweigth

Art Glass Green Apple Controlled Bubbles Glass Paperweigth



Buy Art Glass Green Apple Controlled Bubbles Glass Paperweigth

24d 19h 34m
Art Glass Green Pear Controlled Bubbles Glass Paperweigth

Art Glass Green Pear Controlled Bubbles Glass Paperweigth



Buy Art Glass Green Pear Controlled Bubbles Glass Paperweigth

24d 19h 34m
Heavy Art Glass Paperwieght VASE Clear w/ Encased Pink Flowers Murano? 8 " tall

Heavy Art Glass Paperwieght Vase Clear W/ Encased Pink Flowers Murano? 8 " Tall



Buy Heavy Art Glass Paperwieght VASE Clear w/ Encased Pink Flowers Murano? 8 " tall

24d 20h 20m
Joe St. Clair Blue Trumpet Controlled Bubbles Art Glass Paperwieght, LARGE

Joe St. Clair Blue Trumpet Controlled Bubbles Art Glass Paperwieght, Large



Buy Joe St. Clair Blue Trumpet Controlled Bubbles Art Glass Paperwieght, LARGE

24d 21h 45m
Blue Fenton Glass Paperwieght Desktop Clock. Clock Is UNtested. Glass Is Exc

Blue Fenton Glass Paperwieght Desktop Clock. Clock Is Untested. Glass Is Exc



Buy Blue Fenton Glass Paperwieght Desktop Clock. Clock Is UNtested. Glass Is Exc

24d 22h 13m
ARTHUR COURT DESIGNS Frosted Etched Ducks Art Glass Papeweight Signed W/lablep

Arthur Court Designs Frosted Etched Ducks Art Glass Papeweight Signed W/Lablep



Buy ARTHUR COURT DESIGNS Frosted Etched Ducks Art Glass Papeweight Signed W/lablep

24d 23h 14m
Murano Latticino Pink and Blue Ribbon Glass Paperwieght.

Murano Latticino Pink And Blue Ribbon Glass Paperwieght.



Buy Murano Latticino Pink and Blue Ribbon Glass Paperwieght.

25d 15h 35m
Vintage Art Glass Paperwieght Orange Bloom on Multicolored Frit Ground base.

Vintage Art Glass Paperwieght Orange Bloom On Multicolored Frit Ground Base.



Buy Vintage Art Glass Paperwieght Orange Bloom on Multicolored Frit Ground base.

25d 15h 47m
Svend Jensen Art Glass  Paperwight Apple  2.5" Brazil 13.5 OZ

Svend Jensen Art Glass Paperwight Apple 2.5" Brazil 13.5 Oz



Buy Svend Jensen Art Glass  Paperwight Apple  2.5" Brazil 13.5 OZ

25d 15h 59m

Beautiful Vintage Art Glass Paperwight




25d 18h 58m
Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Large Glass Papeweight Egret Heron ? C2

Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Large Glass Papeweight Egret Heron ? C2



Buy Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Large Glass Papeweight Egret Heron ? C2

25d 20h 27m
Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Large Glass Papeweight Swan C2

Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Large Glass Papeweight Swan C2



Buy Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Large Glass Papeweight Swan C2

25d 20h 32m
Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Egret Heron ? C2

Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Egret Heron ? C2



Buy Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Egret Heron ? C2

25d 20h 45m
Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Otter  C2

Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Otter C2



Buy Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Otter  C2

25d 20h 51m
Emerald Green Glass Paperwight

Emerald Green Glass Paperwight



Buy Emerald Green Glass Paperwight

25d 20h 54m
Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Flower C2

Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Flower C2



Buy Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Flower C2

25d 20h 54m
Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Bird C2

Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Bird C2



Buy Vintage Mats Jonasson Maleras Sweden Glass Papeweight Bird C2

25d 20h 57m

Popular Results for glass paperweight