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990 misspelled results found for 'House Dress'

Click here to view these 'house dress' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Vintage Tommies Plaid Muumuu Housedress Large  Snap Front

Vintage Tommies Plaid Muumuu Housedress Large Snap Front



Buy Vintage Tommies Plaid Muumuu Housedress Large  Snap Front

1d 21h 41m
Vintage 70's 80's Artistic Floral Moo Moo Nightgown Housedress Granny (WTF89)

Vintage 70'S 80'S Artistic Floral Moo Moo Nightgown Housedress Granny (Wtf89)



Buy Vintage 70's 80's Artistic Floral Moo Moo Nightgown Housedress Granny (WTF89)

1d 23h 16m

Vintage 1970S 70S Women's Ivory & Green Long Sleeve Nightgown Housedress - S/M




2d 0h 1m
Vintage Vassarette Green Fleece Housedress w Wide Sleeves 70?s Boho Hippie Sz L

Vintage Vassarette Green Fleece Housedress W Wide Sleeves 70?S Boho Hippie Sz L



Buy Vintage Vassarette Green Fleece Housedress w Wide Sleeves 70?s Boho Hippie Sz L

2d 0h 1m
Vintage Go Softly Denim Floral Embroidered Housedress Short Sleeves Zipper Front

Vintage Go Softly Denim Floral Embroidered Housedress Short Sleeves Zipper Front



Buy Vintage Go Softly Denim Floral Embroidered Housedress Short Sleeves Zipper Front

2d 0h 5m
Vintage floral print pearl-snap housedress size medium (Q1)

Vintage Floral Print Pearl-Snap Housedress Size Medium (Q1)



Buy Vintage floral print pearl-snap housedress size medium (Q1)

2d 0h 21m
Vintage 90s Blue Nightgown Womens L Blue Floral Cotton Housedress

Vintage 90S Blue Nightgown Womens L Blue Floral Cotton Housedress



Buy Vintage 90s Blue Nightgown Womens L Blue Floral Cotton Housedress

2d 0h 42m
Vintage Sears Floral Muumuu Housedress Robe 2X Long Multicolor Casual

Vintage Sears Floral Muumuu Housedress Robe 2X Long Multicolor Casual



Buy Vintage Sears Floral Muumuu Housedress Robe 2X Long Multicolor Casual

2d 1h 30m
Vtg Dan-Ellen Duster Housecoat HouseDress M LBlue Pink Pearl Snaps Floral Basket

Vtg Dan-Ellen Duster Housecoat Housedress M Lblue Pink Pearl Snaps Floral Basket



Buy Vtg Dan-Ellen Duster Housecoat HouseDress M LBlue Pink Pearl Snaps Floral Basket

2d 1h 36m
Vintage 70s Spotlight housedress nightgown lace floral ditsy Large cottage core

Vintage 70S Spotlight Housedress Nightgown Lace Floral Ditsy Large Cottage Core



Buy Vintage 70s Spotlight housedress nightgown lace floral ditsy Large cottage core

2d 3h 8m
National Sleeveless Green Gingham Zipper Front Housedress Lounger w/ Pockets

National Sleeveless Green Gingham Zipper Front Housedress Lounger W/ Pockets



Buy National Sleeveless Green Gingham Zipper Front Housedress Lounger w/ Pockets

2d 3h 31m
Sheer Floral Kimono Robe Coverup Vintage Housedress

Sheer Floral Kimono Robe Coverup Vintage Housedress



Buy Sheer Floral Kimono Robe Coverup Vintage Housedress

2d 3h 49m
Village Fair Vintage Floral Muumuu Housedress Scoop Neck Short Sleeve 2XL

Village Fair Vintage Floral Muumuu Housedress Scoop Neck Short Sleeve 2Xl



Buy Village Fair Vintage Floral Muumuu Housedress Scoop Neck Short Sleeve 2XL

2d 4h 20m
Loti Fashion Ladies Purple Floral Cotton  Sleepwear Housedress Size M

Loti Fashion Ladies Purple Floral Cotton Sleepwear Housedress Size M



Buy Loti Fashion Ladies Purple Floral Cotton  Sleepwear Housedress Size M

2d 4h 21m
Vtg Gossard Artemis Velour Maxi Zip Up Robe Housedress Womens 12 Colorblock MCM

Vtg Gossard Artemis Velour Maxi Zip Up Robe Housedress Womens 12 Colorblock Mcm



Buy Vtg Gossard Artemis Velour Maxi Zip Up Robe Housedress Womens 12 Colorblock MCM

2d 4h 30m
Vintage Komar Nightgown Blue Floral Lace Babydoll Medium Housedress Sleeveless

Vintage Komar Nightgown Blue Floral Lace Babydoll Medium Housedress Sleeveless



Buy Vintage Komar Nightgown Blue Floral Lace Babydoll Medium Housedress Sleeveless

2d 4h 32m
VTG 1950s Pink Fruit Butterfly Cotton Housedress Buttons Grannycore Muumuu

Vtg 1950S Pink Fruit Butterfly Cotton Housedress Buttons Grannycore Muumuu



Buy VTG 1950s Pink Fruit Butterfly Cotton Housedress Buttons Grannycore Muumuu

2d 4h 47m
Vintage 60s 70s Dress Sleeveless Dress S/M Shift Smock Housedress Rose Appliqué

Vintage 60S 70S Dress Sleeveless Dress S/M Shift Smock Housedress Rose Appliqué



Buy Vintage 60s 70s Dress Sleeveless Dress S/M Shift Smock Housedress Rose Appliqué

2d 6h 20m
1940s Housedress / style dress, Handmade, Modern Size M / L Vintage   Rockabilly

1940S Housedress / Style Dress, Handmade, Modern Size M / L Vintage Rockabilly



Buy 1940s Housedress / style dress, Handmade, Modern Size M / L Vintage   Rockabilly

2d 6h 51m
Pink Velvet Saybury Vintage Housedress

Pink Velvet Saybury Vintage Housedress



Buy Pink Velvet Saybury Vintage Housedress

2d 12h 25m

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