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990 misspelled results found for 'House Dress'

Click here to view these 'house dress' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Gypsie Blu Dress Womens One Size Long Maxi Kaftan Housedress Boho Hippie Animal

Gypsie Blu Dress Womens One Size Long Maxi Kaftan Housedress Boho Hippie Animal



Buy Gypsie Blu Dress Womens One Size Long Maxi Kaftan Housedress Boho Hippie Animal

1d 7h 57m
Vintage Dress French black polka dot 1940-50's housedress long sleeves butt

Vintage Dress French Black Polka Dot 1940-50'S Housedress Long Sleeves Butt



Buy Vintage Dress French black polka dot 1940-50's housedress long sleeves butt

1d 8h 49m
1940's dress beige rayon silk cotton 1940's French housedress button up

1940'S Dress Beige Rayon Silk Cotton 1940'S French Housedress Button Up



Buy 1940's dress beige rayon silk cotton 1940's French housedress button up

1d 12h 23m
1930's Antique French Dress Pieced Country Pinafore Housedress geometric pa

1930'S Antique French Dress Pieced Country Pinafore Housedress Geometric Pa



Buy 1930's Antique French Dress Pieced Country Pinafore Housedress geometric pa

1d 12h 36m
Antique French Dress Pieced Country Pinafore Housedress striped top black wool

Antique French Dress Pieced Country Pinafore Housedress Striped Top Black Wool



Buy Antique French Dress Pieced Country Pinafore Housedress striped top black wool

1d 12h 37m
1960's floral dress housedress French vintage clothing perfect for costume

1960'S Floral Dress Housedress French Vintage Clothing Perfect For Costume



Buy 1960's floral dress housedress French vintage clothing perfect for costume

1d 12h 37m
Vintage Housedress Stripes Duster Pockets Snap Toti Sleepwear Cottagecore Granny

Vintage Housedress Stripes Duster Pockets Snap Toti Sleepwear Cottagecore Granny



Buy Vintage Housedress Stripes Duster Pockets Snap Toti Sleepwear Cottagecore Granny

1d 12h 42m
1960's striped dress housedress French vintage clothing Mediterranean style

1960'S Striped Dress Housedress French Vintage Clothing Mediterranean Style



Buy 1960's striped dress housedress French vintage clothing Mediterranean style

1d 13h 30m
New Deadstock Cozy Creation Housedress Small Tall Crepe Long Sleeve Yellow 60s

New Deadstock Cozy Creation Housedress Small Tall Crepe Long Sleeve Yellow 60S



Buy New Deadstock Cozy Creation Housedress Small Tall Crepe Long Sleeve Yellow 60s

1d 14h 1m
Bobeau Blue Nightgown Housedress Dress Knee Sleeveless Hood Medium 40" BUST

Bobeau Blue Nightgown Housedress Dress Knee Sleeveless Hood Medium 40" Bust



Buy Bobeau Blue Nightgown Housedress Dress Knee Sleeveless Hood Medium 40" BUST

1d 14h 23m
Vtg Kaftan Black & White Butterfly Mumu Housedress 60s 70s Flowy Plus O/S READ

Vtg Kaftan Black & White Butterfly Mumu Housedress 60S 70S Flowy Plus O/S Read



Buy Vtg Kaftan Black & White Butterfly Mumu Housedress 60s 70s Flowy Plus O/S READ

1d 14h 39m
Satin Robe Small 8/10  Womens HouseDress Purple Long LS Zip Made USA VTG #Q-13

Satin Robe Small 8/10 Womens Housedress Purple Long Ls Zip Made Usa Vtg #Q-13



Buy Satin Robe Small 8/10  Womens HouseDress Purple Long LS Zip Made USA VTG #Q-13

1d 15h 34m
Toti Fashion Sleepwear Sz Medium Green Pearl Snap Front Mumu Housedress EUC

Toti Fashion Sleepwear Sz Medium Green Pearl Snap Front Mumu Housedress Euc



Buy Toti Fashion Sleepwear Sz Medium Green Pearl Snap Front Mumu Housedress EUC

1d 15h 41m
EUC WOMAN WITHIN Floral Pastel Striped Seersucker Nightgown HouseDress LARGE

Euc Woman Within Floral Pastel Striped Seersucker Nightgown Housedress Large



Buy EUC WOMAN WITHIN Floral Pastel Striped Seersucker Nightgown HouseDress LARGE

1d 16h 25m
Vintage Smart Time Housecoat Housedress Snaps Pockets Robe Duster Pastel Floral

Vintage Smart Time Housecoat Housedress Snaps Pockets Robe Duster Pastel Floral



Buy Vintage Smart Time Housecoat Housedress Snaps Pockets Robe Duster Pastel Floral

1d 17h 10m
Antique 1910s 1920s Handmade Red Striped Cotton Housedress Apron Duster Large

Antique 1910S 1920S Handmade Red Striped Cotton Housedress Apron Duster Large



Buy Antique 1910s 1920s Handmade Red Striped Cotton Housedress Apron Duster Large

1d 18h 18m
Easy Essentials Women's M Seersucker Lilac/White Snap Front Robe/Housedress 41"

Easy Essentials Women's M Seersucker Lilac/White Snap Front Robe/Housedress 41"



Buy Easy Essentials Women's M Seersucker Lilac/White Snap Front Robe/Housedress 41"

1d 18h 48m
Vanity Fair L Purple Floral Housedress

Vanity Fair L Purple Floral Housedress



Buy Vanity Fair L Purple Floral Housedress

1d 19h 8m
Vermont Country Store Dress L-XLPink Seersucker Gingham Cotton Housedress Robe

Vermont Country Store Dress L-Xlpink Seersucker Gingham Cotton Housedress Robe



Buy Vermont Country Store Dress L-XLPink Seersucker Gingham Cotton Housedress Robe

1d 20h 15m
Vintage Tommies Plaid Muumuu Housedress Large  Snap Front

Vintage Tommies Plaid Muumuu Housedress Large Snap Front



Buy Vintage Tommies Plaid Muumuu Housedress Large  Snap Front

1d 21h 24m

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