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47528 misspelled results found for 'Ex Libris'

Click here to view these 'ex libris' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
MONIKA HUGER-KELLER: Exlibris für Reglinde Lattermann

Monika Huger-Keller: Exlibris Für Reglinde Lattermann



Buy MONIKA HUGER-KELLER: Exlibris für Reglinde Lattermann

2h 0m
JAN BATTERMANN: Exlibris für Joh. J. Hanrath, Pelikan im Nest, 1960

Jan Battermann: Exlibris Für Joh. J. Hanrath, Pelikan Im Nest, 1960



Buy JAN BATTERMANN: Exlibris für Joh. J. Hanrath, Pelikan im Nest, 1960

2h 0m
JAN KONUPEK: Exlibris für Marie Jancakova

Jan Konupek: Exlibris Für Marie Jancakova



Buy JAN KONUPEK: Exlibris für Marie Jancakova

2h 0m
YVONNE DE VRIES: Exlibris für Hans Swart

Yvonne De Vries: Exlibris Für Hans Swart



Buy YVONNE DE VRIES: Exlibris für Hans Swart

2h 0m
IWAN EDWIN HUGENTOBLER: Exlibris für Anton Blöchlinger, 1919, Faune

Iwan Edwin Hugentobler: Exlibris Für Anton Blöchlinger, 1919, Faune



Buy IWAN EDWIN HUGENTOBLER: Exlibris für Anton Blöchlinger, 1919, Faune

2h 0m
MARE HUNT: Exlibris für Mati Metsaviir, 1981

Mare Hunt: Exlibris Für Mati Metsaviir, 1981



Buy MARE HUNT: Exlibris für Mati Metsaviir, 1981

2h 0m
160451 Nicholas Evans DER PFERDEFLÜSTERER HC ExLibris

160451 Nicholas Evans Der Pferdeflüsterer Hc Exlibris



Buy 160451 Nicholas Evans DER PFERDEFLÜSTERER HC ExLibris

2h 20m
ANONYM: Exlibris für Kurt Blesinger

Anonym: Exlibris Für Kurt Blesinger



Buy ANONYM: Exlibris für Kurt Blesinger

2h 20m
Exlibris William Henry Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Bookplate Coat of Arms

Exlibris William Henry Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Bookplate Coat Of Arms



Buy Exlibris William Henry Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Bookplate Coat of Arms

2h 24m
Ex Libris / Heraldic Exlibris 1967 Coat of Arms Heraldry

Ex Libris / Heraldic Exlibris 1967 Coat Of Arms Heraldry



Buy Ex Libris / Heraldic Exlibris 1967 Coat of Arms Heraldry

2h 24m
Exlibris Thomas Joseph Pettigrew Antiquarian London Surgeon Armorial Bookplate

Exlibris Thomas Joseph Pettigrew Antiquarian London Surgeon Armorial Bookplate



Buy Exlibris Thomas Joseph Pettigrew Antiquarian London Surgeon Armorial Bookplate

2h 24m
Exlibris Henry Ronalds Physician Medicine Ex-Libris Bookplate

Exlibris Henry Ronalds Physician Medicine Ex-Libris Bookplate



Buy Exlibris Henry Ronalds Physician Medicine Ex-Libris Bookplate

2h 24m
4th Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennial / Ex Libris 2006

4Th Guangzhou International Exlibris And Mini-Prints Biennial / Ex Libris 2006



Buy 4th Guangzhou International Exlibris and Mini-prints Biennial / Ex Libris 2006

2h 24m
Exlibris John Smale M. D. Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Coat of Arms Bookplate

Exlibris John Smale M. D. Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Coat Of Arms Bookplate



Buy Exlibris John Smale M. D. Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Coat of Arms Bookplate

2h 24m
Exlibris Ditchfield M. D. Physician Doctor Medicine Ex-Libris Bookplate

Exlibris Ditchfield M. D. Physician Doctor Medicine Ex-Libris Bookplate



Buy Exlibris Ditchfield M. D. Physician Doctor Medicine Ex-Libris Bookplate

2h 24m
Exlibris Sir John Duntze Baronet Merchant Banker Engraving Bookplate Ex-Libris

Exlibris Sir John Duntze Baronet Merchant Banker Engraving Bookplate Ex-Libris



Buy Exlibris Sir John Duntze Baronet Merchant Banker Engraving Bookplate Ex-Libris

2h 24m
Exlibris Jost Bern Armorial Bookplate Ex-Libris Engraving Copperplate

Exlibris Jost Bern Armorial Bookplate Ex-Libris Engraving Copperplate



Buy Exlibris Jost Bern Armorial Bookplate Ex-Libris Engraving Copperplate

2h 24m
Exlibris Dr. Gustav Leuschner Alps Mountains Wind Storm Bookplate A. Heilmann

Exlibris Dr. Gustav Leuschner Alps Mountains Wind Storm Bookplate A. Heilmann



Buy Exlibris Dr. Gustav Leuschner Alps Mountains Wind Storm Bookplate A. Heilmann

2h 24m
Exlibris Charles Cyril Hicks Arzt Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Wappen Bookp 312826

Exlibris Charles Cyril Hicks Arzt Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Wappen Bookp 312826



Buy Exlibris Charles Cyril Hicks Arzt Physician Doctor Ex-Libris Wappen Bookp 312826

2h 24m
Exlibris William Ballen Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate Coat of Arms

Exlibris William Ballen Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate Coat Of Arms



Buy Exlibris William Ballen Physician Doctor Armorial Bookplate Coat of Arms

2h 24m

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