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259 misspelled results found for 'Ww1 Medals'

Click here to view these 'ww1 medals' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
WW1 Medals Eales Royal Berkshire Regiment KIA Casualty Wokingham Man Third Ypres

Ww1 Medals Eales Royal Berkshire Regiment Kia Casualty Wokingham Man Third Ypres



Buy WW1 Medals Eales Royal Berkshire Regiment KIA Casualty Wokingham Man Third Ypres

10h 50m
WW1 Medals Gaines Brothers KIA Casualty Canadian Infantry Victoria Cross 1st CEF

Ww1 Medals Gaines Brothers Kia Casualty Canadian Infantry Victoria Cross 1St Cef



Buy WW1 Medals Gaines Brothers KIA Casualty Canadian Infantry Victoria Cross 1st CEF

10h 54m
WW1 Medals P Quinn KIA DOW Casualty South African Delville Wood Somme Durban

Ww1 Medals P Quinn Kia Dow Casualty South African Delville Wood Somme Durban



Buy WW1 Medals P Quinn KIA DOW Casualty South African Delville Wood Somme Durban

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Death Plaque KIA Casualty Leslie Cameron Highlanders Edinburgh Man

Ww1 Medals Death Plaque Kia Casualty Leslie Cameron Highlanders Edinburgh Man



Buy WW1 Medals Death Plaque KIA Casualty Leslie Cameron Highlanders Edinburgh Man

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Beaumont Lancashire Fusiliers KIA Casualty Salford Pals Huddersfield

Ww1 Medals Beaumont Lancashire Fusiliers Kia Casualty Salford Pals Huddersfield



Buy WW1 Medals Beaumont Lancashire Fusiliers KIA Casualty Salford Pals Huddersfield

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Sillitoe Kings Royal Rifle Corps KIA Casualty Somme 1st Battle TANKS

Ww1 Medals Sillitoe Kings Royal Rifle Corps Kia Casualty Somme 1St Battle Tanks



Buy WW1 Medals Sillitoe Kings Royal Rifle Corps KIA Casualty Somme 1st Battle TANKS

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Shackleton Died Casualty West Riding Regiment Buried Keighley

Ww1 Medals Shackleton Died Casualty West Riding Regiment Buried Keighley



Buy WW1 Medals Shackleton Died Casualty West Riding Regiment Buried Keighley

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Peck Royal West Surrey Regiment KIA Casualty Somme Schwarben Redoubt

Ww1 Medals Peck Royal West Surrey Regiment Kia Casualty Somme Schwarben Redoubt



Buy WW1 Medals Peck Royal West Surrey Regiment KIA Casualty Somme Schwarben Redoubt

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Wood KIA Casualty West Yorkshire Regiment Somme Thiepval Bradford man

Ww1 Medals Wood Kia Casualty West Yorkshire Regiment Somme Thiepval Bradford Man



Buy WW1 Medals Wood KIA Casualty West Yorkshire Regiment Somme Thiepval Bradford man

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Symington Northumberland Fusiliers KIA Casualty Somme Martinpuich

Ww1 Medals Symington Northumberland Fusiliers Kia Casualty Somme Martinpuich



Buy WW1 Medals Symington Northumberland Fusiliers KIA Casualty Somme Martinpuich

10h 54m
WW1 Medals Pollard Bedfordshire Regiment KIA Casualty 1st Day Battle Loos

Ww1 Medals Pollard Bedfordshire Regiment Kia Casualty 1St Day Battle Loos



Buy WW1 Medals Pollard Bedfordshire Regiment KIA Casualty 1st Day Battle Loos

10h 54m

Ww1 Medals.War/Vic Medal.8187.Pte.F.J.Gordon.Devon.R.


£5.30011h 4m

Ww1 Medals.War/Vic.44228.Pte.H.Littlewood.K.O.Y.L.I.


£5.30013h 52m
Ww1 Medals.WAR/VIC.38454.PTE.G.W.BRACE.R.WAR.R.

Ww1 Medals.War/Vic.38454.Pte.G.W.Brace.R.War.R.


£5.30014h 30m
Remembering the ANZACS WW1 Medals Allover Cotton Quilting Fabric 1/2 YARD

Remembering The Anzacs Ww1 Medals Allover Cotton Quilting Fabric 1/2 Yard



Buy Remembering the ANZACS WW1 Medals Allover Cotton Quilting Fabric 1/2 YARD

14h 56m
WW1 Medals Southwood 12th Australian Infantry DOW Casualty Brookwood Cemetery

Ww1 Medals Southwood 12Th Australian Infantry Dow Casualty Brookwood Cemetery



Buy WW1 Medals Southwood 12th Australian Infantry DOW Casualty Brookwood Cemetery

15h 21m

Ww1 Medals.War/Vic.48596.Pte.N.Sephton.L'pool.R.Born.Burscough.Lancs.1894.


£5.30015h 25m

Ww1 Medals.War Medal.K46484.E.D.Morris.Sto.1.R.N.Born Britton Ferry.Glam.1893.


£5.30015h 36m
Antique Military Italian Ww1 Medals

Antique Military Italian Ww1 Medals



Buy Antique Military Italian Ww1 Medals

15h 42m

Ww1 Medals.Vic Medal.K50457.T.A.Watkins.Sto.2.R.N.Born Pembroke. Pembs.1900


£5.30016h 8m

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