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88958 misspelled results found for 'France'

Click here to view these 'france' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Silver Switzerland 1948 -B 1/2 Franc Beautiful Coin

Silver Switzerland 1948 -B 1/2 Franc Beautiful Coin



Buy Silver Switzerland 1948 -B 1/2 Franc Beautiful Coin

1h 39m
The WoodCart and Other Tales of the South of Franc

The Woodcart And Other Tales Of The South Of Franc



Buy The WoodCart and Other Tales of the South of Franc

1h 39m
Belgium 1 Franc 1929 Coin i72

Belgium 1 Franc 1929 Coin I72



Buy Belgium 1 Franc 1929 Coin i72

1h 40m
France 5 Franc 1831 W Louis XVIII. 1814-1824 SS+ 121179

France 5 Franc 1831 W Louis Xviii. 1814-1824 Ss+ 121179



Buy France 5 Franc 1831 W Louis XVIII. 1814-1824 SS+ 121179

1h 41m
France - Lille 5 Franc 1822 W Louis XVIII 1814-1824 SS+ 121177

France - Lille 5 Franc 1822 W Louis Xviii 1814-1824 Ss+ 121177



Buy France - Lille 5 Franc 1822 W Louis XVIII 1814-1824 SS+ 121177

1h 41m
Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1920

Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1920



Buy Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1920

1h 41m
SILVER Roughly the Size of a Quarter 1872 France 1 Franc World Silver Coin *401

Silver Roughly The Size Of A Quarter 1872 France 1 Franc World Silver Coin *401


£8.6651h 41m
Silver Switzerland 1964 B 1/2 Franc Beautiful Coin

Silver Switzerland 1964 B 1/2 Franc Beautiful Coin



Buy Silver Switzerland 1964 B 1/2 Franc Beautiful Coin

1h 42m
1923 French Franc Coin

1923 French Franc Coin


£9.2601h 42m
Franke Sink Bowl Grid New

Franke Sink Bowl Grid New


£5.0901h 42m
1809 B FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte Antique OLD Silver 5 Franc French Coin i114887

1809 B France Napoleon Bonaparte Antique Old Silver 5 Franc French Coin I114887



Buy 1809 B FRANCE Napoleon Bonaparte Antique OLD Silver 5 Franc French Coin i114887

1h 43m

[#1032946] Coin, France, Monnaie De Paris, Set Franc, 1997, Be, Ms(65-70), Gadou



Buy [#1032946] Coin, France, Monnaie de Paris, Set Franc, 1997, BE, MS(65-70), Gadou

1h 45m
40 Münzkapseln Prophila 38 mm z.B. für 500 Schilling, 5 Franc, div. US$

40 Münzkapseln Prophila 38 Mm Z.B. Für 500 Schilling, 5 Franc, Div. Us$



Buy 40 Münzkapseln Prophila 38 mm z.B. für 500 Schilling, 5 Franc, div. US$

1h 45m
Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1898

Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1898



Buy Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1898

1h 46m
SAINT-SERVAN - Effet de contre-jour sur la Tour Solidor à l'entrée de la Rance

Saint-Servan - Effet De Contre-Jour Sur La Tour Solidor À L'entrée De La Rance



Buy SAINT-SERVAN - Effet de contre-jour sur la Tour Solidor à l'entrée de la Rance

1h 46m
COIN - FRANCE - ONE FRANC - KM 925.1 - "Liberte Egalite Fraternite" - 1960 (C24)

Coin - France - One Franc - Km 925.1 - "Liberte Egalite Fraternite" - 1960 (C24)



Buy COIN - FRANCE - ONE FRANC - KM 925.1 - "Liberte Egalite Fraternite" - 1960 (C24)

1h 48m
1944 French West Africa 1 Franc XF -  UNC, Aluminum Bronze coin TONED RED & BLUE

1944 French West Africa 1 Franc Xf - Unc, Aluminum Bronze Coin Toned Red & Blue



Buy 1944 French West Africa 1 Franc XF -  UNC, Aluminum Bronze coin TONED RED & BLUE

1h 49m
Vintage Rare France One 1 Franc 1941 Coin

Vintage Rare France One 1 Franc 1941 Coin



Buy Vintage Rare France One 1 Franc 1941 Coin

1h 50m
Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1882

Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1882



Buy Switzerland - Switzerland - 1/2 Franc 1882

1h 50m
NEW Lily & Franc Red Dress. Uk Size 18. RRP £50

New Lily & Franc Red Dress. Uk Size 18. Rrp £50



Buy NEW Lily & Franc Red Dress. Uk Size 18. RRP £50

1h 50m

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