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28 misspelled results found for 'Pitcher Jug'

Click here to view these 'pitcher jug' Items on eBay

ImageTitlePricePostageBidsTime Left
Waterford 6¼in 32oz Jug / Pitcher JG32M1 Clear Cut Crystal

Waterford 6¼In 32Oz Jug / Pitcher Jg32m1 Clear Cut Crystal



Buy Waterford 6¼in 32oz Jug / Pitcher JG32M1 Clear Cut Crystal

2h 40m
Vintage Picher Jug Vase Handmade Clay Pottery 10" Tall Cut Outs Italy? Mexico?

Vintage Picher Jug Vase Handmade Clay Pottery 10" Tall Cut Outs Italy? Mexico?



Buy Vintage Picher Jug Vase Handmade Clay Pottery 10" Tall Cut Outs Italy? Mexico?

3h 9m
420ML Coffee Pitcher Milk Jug Stainless Steel Milk Frothing Jug 420ml Pitcher Ju

420Ml Coffee Pitcher Milk Jug Stainless Steel Milk Frothing Jug 420Ml Pitcher Ju



Buy 420ML Coffee Pitcher Milk Jug Stainless Steel Milk Frothing Jug 420ml Pitcher Ju

18h 40m
Ptcher Jug - Pichet Cochon Barbotine C3

Ptcher Jug - Pichet Cochon Barbotine C3


£10.90020h 39m
Vintage Mayfayre StaffordshireEngland Pottery Green Decorative Fruit PitcherJug.

Vintage Mayfayre Staffordshireengland Pottery Green Decorative Fruit Pitcherjug.


£3.7503d 3h 41m
Glass Pither Jug With Pinched Lip large

Glass Pither Jug With Pinched Lip Large



Buy Glass Pither Jug With Pinched Lip large

3d 15h 37m
Vintage MCM Arcoroc France Rosaline Pink Rosaline Swirl 8 1/4? Pitcher JG Durand

Vintage Mcm Arcoroc France Rosaline Pink Rosaline Swirl 8 1/4? Pitcher Jg Durand



Buy Vintage MCM Arcoroc France Rosaline Pink Rosaline Swirl 8 1/4? Pitcher JG Durand

5d 9h 36m
Manual Juice Pot Cold Water Pot Tea Pitcher Clear Pitche Jug Mixing Q N5B6

Manual Juice Pot Cold Water Pot Tea Pitcher Clear Pitche Jug Mixing Q N5b6



Buy Manual Juice Pot Cold Water Pot Tea Pitcher Clear Pitche Jug Mixing Q N5B6

6d 18h 34m
1 Picher Jug Cheyenne 32 oz Hartstone Aztec Design USA

1 Picher Jug Cheyenne 32 Oz Hartstone Aztec Design Usa



Buy 1 Picher Jug Cheyenne 32 oz Hartstone Aztec Design USA

8d 23h 34m
VintageHall Pottery ice lip ball PitcherJug deep green/blue  #633 USA Mid Cent.

Vintagehall Pottery Ice Lip Ball Pitcherjug Deep Green/Blue #633 Usa Mid Cent.



Buy VintageHall Pottery ice lip ball PitcherJug deep green/blue  #633 USA Mid Cent.

10d 5h 20m
antique handpainted Delft picher / jug with pewter lid. Marked and signed bottom

Antique Handpainted Delft Picher / Jug With Pewter Lid. Marked And Signed Bottom



Buy antique handpainted Delft picher / jug with pewter lid. Marked and signed bottom

10d 6h 20m
Vintage  60s 70s The Orange & Yellow Picher Jug Water ,orange, Lemonade

Vintage 60S 70S The Orange & Yellow Picher Jug Water ,Orange, Lemonade



Buy Vintage  60s 70s The Orange & Yellow Picher Jug Water ,orange, Lemonade

11d 19h 18m

Vintage Ceramic Pottery Picther Jug Home Decor Classical Scene




14d 7h 25m
VTG Nicholas Mosse Pottery Retriever Dog PitcherJug Ireland Studio Pottery 6.25?

Vtg Nicholas Mosse Pottery Retriever Dog Pitcherjug Ireland Studio Pottery 6.25?



Buy VTG Nicholas Mosse Pottery Retriever Dog PitcherJug Ireland Studio Pottery 6.25?

14d 21h 17m
East Texas Pottery Ceramic Creamer Handle Picher Jug hand painted Mauve floral

East Texas Pottery Ceramic Creamer Handle Picher Jug Hand Painted Mauve Floral



Buy East Texas Pottery Ceramic Creamer Handle Picher Jug hand painted Mauve floral

16d 1h 13m
Delft Polychrome PitcherJug

Delft Polychrome Pitcherjug



Buy Delft Polychrome PitcherJug

19d 21h 58m
Antique Copper Water Picther Jug 29x14cm

Antique Copper Water Picther Jug 29X14cm



Buy Antique Copper Water Picther Jug 29x14cm

21d 20h 25m
VTG Redware Turtle Creek Potters Folk Art  Cathy Gatch Heart Picher Jug 1986

Vtg Redware Turtle Creek Potters Folk Art Cathy Gatch Heart Picher Jug 1986



Buy VTG Redware Turtle Creek Potters Folk Art  Cathy Gatch Heart Picher Jug 1986

23d 21h 20m

Antique German Pewter Picher,Jug,Dated,Hallmarked,Portrait Pattern,Late 18Th.




23d 22h 46m
Ridgway Sterling Pottery Colectable Character  Small Vintage Picher/Jug

Ridgway Sterling Pottery Colectable Character Small Vintage Picher/Jug



Buy Ridgway Sterling Pottery Colectable Character  Small Vintage Picher/Jug

24d 23h 38m

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